My name is Cristina Sánchez. I took my degrees in Education and English Philology at Complutense University in Madrid, Spain
My teaching time , for 27 years at Virgen de Mirasierra school , is one of the most important thing in my life.
I have two sons studying at university and now they miss Virgen de Mirasierra school so much.
I love reading, traveling and relaxing at home which is on the coast of Almería.
I really enjoy teaching and moving with my students to different countries through Exchange Programs
My school has developed very innovative programs along the years. The participation to the Dual Program adds an additional value to our school and we are very proud of our students work, so we congratulate them for being hardworking.
I am also very grateful with all the people working in the Dual Program, they are always willing to help us.
Cristina Sánchez