Topics include forces and motion, energy through waves, electricity and magnetism, the matter around us, chemical bonding and reactions.
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Marine Science 1 (HON)
In the marine science course, students will delve deep into Earth’s bodies of water and study geologic structures and how they impact the oceans.
Read MoreChemistry 1 (HON)
This course is designed to serve as a foundation for the study of Chemistry.
Read MoreBiology 1 (HON)
This course provides an in depth look at the fundamental characteristics of living organisms.
Read MoreAnatomy and Physiology (HON)
Explore the organization of the human body and how it works.
Read MorePre-Calculus Honors
Students, as mathematic analysts, investigate how advanced mathematics concepts are used to solve problems encountered in operating national parks.
Read MoreGeometry (HON)
Throughout this course, we’ll take you on a mathematical highway illuminated by spatial relationships, reasoning, connections, and problem solving.
Read MoreCalculus (HON)
Students in this course will walk in the footsteps of Newton and Leibnitz. An interactive text and graphing software combine with the exciting on-line course delivery to make calculus an adventure.
Read MoreAlgebra 1 (HON)
This course is designed to give you the skills and strategies for solving all kinds of mathematical problems.
Read MoreAlgebra 2 (HON)
This course will begin with a review of basic algebra, travel through systems of equations, factoring, and radical and quadratic equations in the first segment.
Read MoreEnglish 1 (HON)
Great books, short stories, poems and plays convey messages and feelings that make them great.
Read MoreEnglish 2 (HON)
Through the study of literature, nonfiction, and life, we will explore what it means to be human, what it means to be fulfilled, triumphant, empowered, and transformed.
Read MoreEnglish 3 (HON)
In this course, you’ll gain an appreciation of American literature and the ways it reflects the times in which it was written.
Read MoreEnglish 4 (HON)
You will be guided through a series of literary pieces that allow you to analyze the political, social, economic, and cultural messages of its time as well as its relevance to the world you live in today.
Read MoreTheatre, Cinema and Film Production
In Theatre, Cinema, and Film Production, a one-credit course, students explore the elements of theater and cinematic techniques used by those who create performance productions.
Read MoreTeam Sports 1
To improve and maintain optimum health, it is necessary for people of all ages to participate in physical exercise.
Read MoreSports, Recreation and Entertainment Marketing Management/ Level 3
Sports and Entertainment Marketing can offer you a career in entertainment through the knowledge of traditional marketing, but with a whole lot more glamour.
Read MoreSociology
The world is becoming more complex. How do your beliefs, values and behavior affect the people around you and the world in which we live?
Read MoreSocial Media 1
The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop fundamental skills in the use of social media across print, multimedia, web, and broadcast platforms, including ethical and legal uses
Read MorePsychology 1
The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the subfields within psychology.
Read MorePersonal, Career, and School Development Skills/ Level 1
The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop basic knowledge and skills in the college application process as well as financial planning, federal aid, and scholarships.
Read MorePeer Counseling 1
The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop basic knowledge and skills in communication, meeting human needs, and conflict resolution.
Read MoreLeadership Skills Development
In this course, students will acquire new power to succeed in high school, college, and life.
Read MoreLaw Studies
Laws affect the lives of American adults and teenagers differently. In this course, students examine laws and court decisions that apply to all citizens, as well as those that specifically outline the rights of teenagers.
Read MoreJournalism 1
Understanding the role of the free press in America helps students to be better informed and more able to analyze media.
Read MoreJavaScript Program
In this course, students will learn how to start programming with JavaScript. Students will learn the basics of JavaScript including testing, functions, objects, arrays, loops, conditional code, operators and syntax basics.
Read MoreIntroduction to Hospitality and Tourism (Level 2)
With greater disposable income and more opportunities for business travel, people are traversing the globe in growing numbers.
Read MoreIntensive Reading 1
The purpose of this course is to provide instruction that enables students to accelerate the development of reading and writing skills and to strengthen those skills so they are able to successfully read and write grade level text independently.
Read MoreFoundations of Programming
Foundations of Programming will teach students the fundamentals of programming using the computer language Python.
Read MoreForensic Science 1
Fingerprints. Blood spatter. DNA analysis. The world of law enforcement is increasingly making use of the techniques and knowledge from the sciences to better understand the crimes that are committed and to catch those individuals responsible for the crimes.
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