News & Announcements

Ian Gonzalez Morales

Hi! My name is Ian Gonzalez, I live in Madrid, Spain. I am 16 years old and currently in my third and final year of the Dual Diploma Program. I love all kinds of sports and physical activities. In fact, I am an acrobatic gymnast. This sport basically consists of me jumping up and down, doing flips all while on a trampoline. I absolutely love it! I am interested in pursuing a career in Biotechnology, because my goal is to start a business that will help people with biological problems, using the latest and greatest technological advantages.


The Dual Diploma Program has offered me a new set of skills, and provided me with ways of learning that are different from my own country. I think it is a great opportunity, and all students should take advantage of this program. I am proud of the growth I have shown throughout this program, and look forward to completing my final year!