My name is Ivonne Blanco. I’m a Biology teacher. Now, I’m in charge of a school named Institutos Educacionales Asociados, located in Caracas, Venezuela. I have been working there since 1985. I got a Biology teacher degree in my home country and after that I went to the USA, Louisiana, and got a Master in Science. During that time in the States, besides attending my Master’s classes, I had the opportunity to work as a graduate assistant. So I taught different lab subjects for two years.
When I first heard about the Virtual Dual Diploma Program, in 2014, I thought that it will be an excellent way for my students to enhance their English knowledge. After almost five years as a Director of the Virtual Diploma Program I have discovered that my first idea of the Program was too simple. At this point, I understand that it provides my students the tools to acquire the four C’s skills that they need to face the XXI century: Communication, they use a foreign language (oral and written) and also a digital language to do their assignments. Critical Thinking, to discuss and defend a point of view. Creativity, to build proposals and Collaboration when they gather together to help each other in solving problems or questions that they have with affairs related with the subjects.
Ivonne Blanco