My name is Marta Quesada, I have a degree in law and music, piano specialty. I’m currently working as a teacher of History of Philosophy and Music at Vedruna school in Carabanchel (Madrid). I began working and teaching in Toledo, belonging to the same congregation, Carmelitas de la Caridad, where I attended twelve courses; In total, it’s been more than thirty years teaching, and always linked to the same institution. During a period of five years, I was fortunate to head the Vedruna College, attached to the Complutense University; where I found that languages and especially English, were essential to enter the labor market and become a good professional. It is the first year that we join Academica, to offer some of our students the possibilities of such a comprehensive program, which includes not only the improvement of the language, but knowledge in other areas and a degree added to their training. I’m truly convinced of the excellence of this Dual High School Program, so I hope more students choose this option in the near future. Thanks for the opportunity you provide us.
Marta Quesada