Hey! I’m Anna Lena Wellemin,but everyone calls me Lena. I am 16 years old and from Germany. I am currently visiting 10th grade of a German grammar school. Since I was little, I enjoyed learning new things, so that when my school offered students to participate in the dual diploma program, I was very interested. Although being unsure about it at first, due to me being in a full-time day-school, I in the end decided to join. This really turned out to be a great decision since I enjoy improving my English, and to learn things from another perspective as well as getting the opportunity to take courses like psychology or global studies that are not offered at my school. Apart from doing the dual diploma I really like to draw in my spare time, because it not only helps me relax but also gives me the opportunity to create and explore new worlds. Although I have no specific plans for the future, I consider extending my education by participating in a voluntary social year in development aid after graduation and perhaps proceed to work in the social field after finishing my studies. The dual diploma program has not only helped me prepare for my goals in the future but also helped me to build up self-esteem due to the good feedback I have been receiving for what I am very thankful. I am looking forward to the next academic year and all the new experiences that I will encounter.