Dual Diploma

English I 
In this class you are going to participate in a series of online tutorials, state-of-the-art learning modules, oral and written examinations, and creative projects.  You will become more knowledgeable about everyday English vocabulary and grammar and highly proficient in practical conversation and day-to-day interaction.  You will acquire a variety of skills related to both comprehension and communication in everyday English.
English II 
In this class you will continue to participate in a series of online tutorials, state-of-the-art learning modules, oral and written examinations, and creative projects.  You will continue to improve your English vocabulary and grammar skills as well as become proficient in more formal settings.
English III 
The purpose of this course is to provide students, using texts of high complexity, integrated language arts study in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language in preparation for college and career readiness.
English IV 
The purpose of this course is to provide students, using texts of high complexity, integrated language arts study in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language in preparation for college and career readiness.
In this course, students will recognize examples of economics in their daily life. Students will see how the economic choices of larger groups, like businesses and governments, affect themselves and others.
The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the subfields within psychology.
United States Government  
You will gain a greater understanding on the history of the United States of America’s beginnings, and knowledge of how government functions at the local, state, and national levels.
United States History 
In this course, you will look at some of the most profound questions that thoughtful United States still debate. You will research many important events throughout the history of the United States of America. In the process, you will witness the development of the United States throughout its history to today’s superpower status.
College Entrance Exam Prep 
In this course, you will practice thinking strategies, build verbal competence, and sharpen your mathematics reasoning.  You will acquire essential test-taking strategies.
Concepts of Engineering & Technology 
In this course, you will be studying the various fields of engineering, how engineers function on a daily basis, and what a career in engineering looks like. Then, you will explore advancements in technology and how they impact our day-to-day lives.
In this course, students will explore the field of criminology or the study of crime. In doing so, students will look at possible explanations for crime from psychological, biological, and sociological standpoints, explore the various types of crime and their consequences for society, and investigate how crime and criminals are handled by the criminal justice system.
Digital Photography  
In this course, students will learn creative photographic skills and processes. As part of this course, students will explore how to apply basic camera settings for both DSLR and phone cameras in order to capture various types of photographs. The course also explores famous photographers and photographs throughout history that set the tone for modern photography. The course focuses on hands-on application of skills using cameras and editing software to improve the photography skills, regardless of photography experience. Students will build a portfolio of work and explore the fields of photography and graphic arts.
Life Management Skills 
The purpose of this course is to produce health literate students that make sound decisions and take positive actions for healthy and effective living. The course is wellness oriented and emphasizes responsible decision-making and planning for a healthy lifestyle.
Public Speaking & Journalism 
In this course, students will learn how to write and deliver great speeches. Students will watch and analyze speeches and explore techniques for becoming effective public speakers. This course will also focus on journalism, including the principles of journalism, and how to become a good journalist.