Hi! My name is Anima and I’m sixteen years old. I was born and raised in Germany and just finished my second of three years of the Dual Diploma Program. When I’m not busy with school, I spend my time taking lessons in singing, playing the piano and guitar and learning Korean. I also love playing badminton or just relaxing and reading or watching something. When my school offered the DDP (Dual Diploma Program) to us I was thrilled at the idea of getting to learn things from a fresh and new perspective! I viewed this as an opportunity, and, looking back now, it really was. Another one of my reasons for taking on the challenge was my father’s side of the family. Most of them live in the United States and the DDP was my way of getting to learn things the way they do. Things that I had learned in school were explained differently so I gained a lot of knowledge. I also learned things I wouldn’t have ever found out about if it weren’t for the program. It taught me skills that I can use for the rest of my life, even something as simple as getting a bit more organized.