My name is Ash Piñero and I coordinate Extracurricular Activities and the International DUAL Diploma at Del Viso Day School. I am a curious and active learner who believes in first hand learning and values opportunities that is why I enjoy traveling to learn about other cultures. I did it for many years until I decided to settle down in Argentina and started teaching English (as I regard this as essential skill to make the most out of an international experience). Del Viso Day School also believes English to be one of the essential skills students need to face their professional life so we work hard at providing them with different opportunities to improve their command of the language. Another ability we value is personal motivation and eagerness to expand knowledge, therefore, we are committed to empowering all those students who embark on that path and encourage others to do so too. The Dual Diploma has become a very popular Program at our school and we are very happy about it.
Ash Piñero