News & Announcements

Economics and Personal Finance (HON)

Economics and Personal Finance (HON)

In Economics and Personal Finance, instructional time will emphasize eight areas: (1) developing fundamental concepts of economics, such as, analyzing the trade-offs that individuals, businesses, and society must make because […]

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World History (HON)

World History (HON)

Students will use knowledge pertaining to history, geography, economics, political processes, religion, ethics, diverse cultures, and humanities to solve problems in academic, civic, social, and employment setting

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Economics (HON)

Economics (HON)

Economic decisions affect us every day of our lives. Understanding economics means thinking about how scarcity, or limited resources, requires us to make choices and evaluate one option against others.

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United States Government (HON)

United States Government (HON)

You will gain a greater understanding on the history of the country’s beginnings, and knowledge of how government functions at the local, state and national levels.

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