News & Announcements

Estela Cicchinelli

Hello, I am Estela Cicchinelli. I am fourteen years old and I am currently attending Los Sauces in Vigo Spain. I would like to start of by saying thank you for nominating me as student of the month! I appreciate that my hard work is being accounted for. Now, a little bit about me. I have a very energetic younger brother, caring older sister, and extremely thoughtful parents. I am a very active person who loves to learn! When I am not outside or at the mall, you can find me lying on the couch endulged in a good fiction book. My favorite author is Rick Riordan. I also enjoy doing all sorts of sports and spending time with friends and family. I am very outgoing and love to meet new people. I am currently enrolled in my school’s theatre group and a soccer team nearby. When I grow up I hope to pursue a career in the arts industry (dance, modeling, acting), or work as a pediatric dentist!