Hi! My name is Laura Moreno. I have a degree in translation and interpretation and I have worked as an English teacher at Pàlcam School in Barcelona for the last twenty years. My dad was born and raised in N.Y. City and thanks to him I have always been in close contact with the English language and the culture of the United States, having attended American schools in Barcelona since kinder through high school. Although I have lived all my life in Spain, I consider myself fortunate for enjoying “the best of both worlds”, having been in the States several times. Among many other things, I value the American culture of positive feedback with its idea of gaining strength and courage to strive and become an achiever no matter how many times a student may fail, because it is actually not failure, but learning and growth that is achieved. And what I love about being part of the Dual Program is precisely this: giving the students the tools, the encouragement and above all the chance to do better with a lot of support.
Laura Moreno