Hi! My name is Maria Dolores Arnal Casanova, but everyone calls me Lola. I am fourteen years old, and I was born and raised in the north of Spain. During my free time, I love to listen to music, hang out with my family and friends, play videogames and read. I also love sports of all kinds, but I specially love sailing. Alongside my mom and my dad, we participate on regattas and race against other boats. We are the dream team, and I love sailing with them because we get to spend more time with each other and bond even more. This is my second year in the Dual Diploma Program, and honestly, I am so happy to be part of it! When my school offered us to join the Dual Diploma Program, I knew right away I had to do it. I would love to travel to the United States someday and I also love the English language. This program has opened a lot of new opportunities to me and expanded my horizon to new limits, and I am so grateful for it. I also want to thank my teacher Natasha for choosing me as the student of the month, I am incredibly thankful for it.
Maria Dolores Arnal Casanova