Hi! I’m Maria Enrica Vittoria Asti but everyone calls me Mev. I am 16 years old and I live in Italy. I am majoring in architecture. I love art in all its forms but fashion and design are my favorites! Two of my many hobbies are going to the cinema and reading! I also love sewing and playing sports like tennis. I am very keen to learn new things and expand my skills. I took the Dual Diploma Program (DDP) to improve my English and I am now undertaking the second year of the three-year course. My specialization is on Life Management Skills and American History. It was great taking this opportunity! At DDP I learned the importance of critical thinking applied to my daily experiences. I am also participating in Let’s Get Inspire. This program gave me the chance to meet many great professional people and I have realized how important it is to be dynamic and to remain humble. Considering every obstacle as a challenge to overcome is key to personal fulfillment. I put passion and determination in everything I do. “Be yourself, only you can be you” is my slogan!
Maria Enrica Vittoria Asti