I am María José Archila Barrios, I am from Guatemala and I was born on January 15th of 2,001. I study in the school “El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús” and I am in 9th grade. I love to dance ballet, and I really delight in all the activities and events that are related with art and culture. Since 2011 I discovered that I enjoy the art of oration, and I have participated in different contests in Guatemala. I like to make new friends, enjoy different experiences that have a meaningful lesson for life, and also I like to learn new things. Although I am only 15 years of age, my perspective on life is to always have a goal and work hard to achieve my objectives. Some characteristics about me are, that I am very dedicated and focused on what I do, and I give the best of my ability in everything. Furthermore, something funny about me is that when I was a little girl I was a catastrophe and a disaster studying, I was going to fail Kindergarten, but later, with some time, I started working more and I have been improving each year. In 2015 I decided to take the big challenge and opportunity of the Dual Diploma Program to improve my English and have more opportunities to get scholarships and be someone who really achieves in the future. I am only a teenager, but I can tell you that you can change the world and never give up on your dreams; it might be difficult to make them true, but not impossible. To finish I just want to clarify that being honored is not because of a certain level of intelligence or economic opportunities, is the result of the hard work, effort, dedication and the force that motivates me to continue and be someone great in the future.
¡Be the difference you want for the world!
María José Archila Barrios